Saturday 20 February 2021

New Lent traditions

Lent has come around again and we wanted to share with you the way we're celebrating it this year, linking to how we celebrated Advent back in December.

As you can read in our 2019 post, for the last couple of years we've enjoyed Arnold Ytreeide's family devotionals during Advent, having read both Tabitha's Travels and Bartholomew's Passage. Our routine was to read the daily chapter before bed each night by the light of our advent candle, something that felt extra special and brought the real meaning of Christmas home to us all in a deeper way.

We were delighted to find out that the same author has also written a Lent family story called Amon's Adventure, and so we are reading that daily through Lent this year.

 Because we enjoyed the candle-lit part of our routine so much, we've made our own Lenten Cross candle holder (and have made a how-to video here for your inspiration). We've chosen to take a "Diminishing Light" approach (taking inspiration from here), which means we start with all seven candles lit, then each week light one fewer, until by Holy Week there is only the white candle left (representing Jesus) which we will blow out for the last time on and Good Friday. 


As we remember from Advent, Jesus is the Light of the World, and at every turn in His journey to the cross people tried to snuff out his light.

We're also focusing on daily acts of kindness and have set up a kindness chart and a daily colouring path. 

Do you normally celebrate Lent? Would love to hear your traditions!

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