Saturday, 31 October 2020

Season 7, Epsiode 10

In this episode we're talking about our latest artist study (Hokusai), decorating our home grown pumpkins, bringing in the apple harvest from our orchard, and discussing drama, dance and bat craft.

Luke's  YouTube channel is here which has the Ambleside Hymns of the month - please subscribe!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show (wherever you listen) we would really appreciate it! 

You can follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Subscription links are all at the side, alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at or message/comment below or on any of our platforms.


Saturday, 10 October 2020

Season 7, Episode 9

In this episode we're sharing some sad pet news, going on a rainy walk, talking about hymns, the Victorians, Mayans and Maouris!

Luke's new YouTube channel is here - please subscribe!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show (wherever you listen) we would really appreciate it! 

Please follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Subscription links are all at the side, alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at or message/comment below or on any of our platforms.



Monday, 5 October 2020

Hymns of the month

Many of the elements of our home education approach follow a regular rhythm. We always have an artist study on the go, along with a composer study. We also have a folk song we're learning and a hymn each month too. 

For hymns, Ambleside Online have a hymn of the month rotation which we often follow, although we do occasionally substitute if there's an alternative one we're itching to do. 

Over on Luke's YouTube channel is a growing playlist of hymns, many of which are on Ambleside's list, and we'd love you to use the videos in your own routine so please like, subscribe and share with others who may benefit. 

We'd love to know hymns or praise songs you'd like to see on the channel too!

We also really like the Happy Hymnody channel, which has a strong family focus on teaching hymns to children (and who have their own great hymns of each month).

If you use hymns in your routine, we'd love to hear what your favourites are, and do also share links to the resources you find helpful too!

#hymn #hymns #hymnofthemonth #hymnody #amblesideonline #familyworship