Saturday, 26 September 2020

Season 7, Episode 8

In this episode we're investigating spiders webs, picking damsons and going on a staycation down south, visiting Legoland windsor, Chessington World of Adventures and various London destinations.

Luke's new YouTube channel is here - please subscribe!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show (wherever you listen) we would really appreciate it! 

Please follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Subscription links are all at the side, alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at or message/comment below or on any of our platforms.


Sunday, 13 September 2020

Season 7, Episode 7

Broadcasting from our new lawn, we're talking about horse riding, a trip to Alton
Towers, narration, experiments with bananas and the industrial revolution.

Luke's new YouTube channel is here - please subscribe!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show (wherever you listen) we would really appreciate it! 

Please follow us on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Subscription links are all at the side, alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at or message/comment below or on any of our platforms.