Sunday, 22 September 2019

Season 6, Episode 4

A slightly less planned episode than normal (sorry), but mainly because we were in the middle of a Star Wars movie marathon to celebrate a BIG birthday!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show we would really appreciate it.

Please like our Facebook page and join our community there!

If you want to subscribe on iTunes then follow this link, to listen on Stitcher go here or if you want the direct RSS feed it's here!

Alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Season 6, Episode 3

A mainly Cornish episode, with plenty of content from our recent trip to the very tip of England including from underground in a tin mine and in the tropical biome at the Eden Project!

Please listen in, and if you have a moment to leave a nice review and rating of the show we would really appreciate it.

Please like our Facebook page and join our community there!

If you want to subscribe on iTunes then follow this link, to listen on Stitcher go here or if you want the direct RSS feed it's here!

Alternatively you can listen directly below.

Please enjoy and we'd love to hear from you! You can email us at